The FLEXIBLE approach to systems integration and efficient data transfer.
As your business moves, so does Magma.
Magma integrates leading ERP, eCommerce, trading platforms at once, in whatever combination required, removing the need for multiple integration tools while increasing the speed and efficiency of your data exchange.
Key to Magma’s success lies IN its ability to drill down on:
- What your data looks like – known as the data format
- How it moves – known as the data transport

Components of Magma
Magma sits in an environment agreed on implementation, the choice of which will vary depending on several factors such as IT architecture, and the integrations Magma is being configured to support.
Designed to be lightweight, Magma fits into your existing architecture seamlessly so that when configured and running, there is little interaction needed.
Magma utilises RunSet threads of execution. An integration may use one or more RunSets, with each one configured to execute at timed intervals or in response to an external action or trigger.
The RunSets use an XSLT Stylesheet to manage all data transformations Magma’s developer team has extended the standard library of XSLT functions significantly, allowing the solution to manage complex processes.
The Magma parser enables the use of XSLT Stylesheets for data transformation even when the source is not XML. This means that the same language can be used regardless of the document type.
The GUI front end enables the set up and configuration of the following items:
- Component Licensing
- General set up parameters such as email servers, http ports, archive settings, and default debug levels
- Data Definition set up
- Transformation RunSet configuration
- Data tracking and message reprocessing
- Archiving and auditing
Data Formats
A highly flexible solution, Magma works with the leading formats used currently for effective data exchange
Still a highly-used protocol for data exchange, multiple EDI systems are supported in full by the Magma toolkit, including:
- Tradacoms – mainly UK
- Edifact / EANCOM – global, mainly Europe
- Ansi X12 – global, mainly US
Originally developed to move a customer from a partner using EDI to one using XML-based messaging, Magma has since expanded to support any XML format, standard or bespoke.
Both human and machine readable, Magma can quickly adapt XML to new custom formats used by your partners; such as cXML, Basda eBIS-XML, SAP IDOC, custom formats, or a combination of each.
Used by most, but not limited to, RESTful Web Services, JavaScript Object Notation – or, JSON – helps move data between server and web page. Again, this is both machine and human readable, supported in full by Magma.
- These text files are simple to define, with commas (.csv) the most common, although a delimiter can be any agreed character e.g. the pipe, semi colon, and tab.
- Delimited files are bespoke in nature, with Magma able to build in a definition at speed to make sense of its contents.
Fixed Width Flat Files
- These file types include a line with a label, and information in agreed positions.
- There will be a definition document explaining the structure
- Fixed Width Flat Files are always bespoke, with Magma able to build a definition quickly to understand the data therein.
Microsoft Excel
- Extremely common for managing bespoke formats, clients design templates in Excel to store multiple types of data including Sales Orders.
- Again, Excel files are bespoke and simple for Magma to understand through a definition built in
Where necessary, Magma is capable of interacting directly with internal and external databases using CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
Supporting multiple combinations, Magma manages any integration regardless of the data format or transport mechanism.
Data Transports
When it comes to moving data from one location to another, Magma draws on multiple methods of transport for a fast, efficient transfer
Using mailboxes for sending and receiving data, Magma works with multiple EDI mailbox providers such as BluJay GTN, or OpenText (TGMS / Trading Grid) and is essential to data transfer when a traditional VAN (Value Added Network) is mandated by your partners.
AS2 uses digital certificates and encryption to allow for secure data transfer over the internet, in particular, EDI data. Magma enables a secure, cost effective transfer between EDI and AS2.
To achieve the correct transport protocol for yours and your partner’s EDI needs may require a new EDI mailbox provider, or a combination of new plus incumbent provider.
Web Services
Working with web services for many years now, Magma supports the following two key categories for data transport:
- SOAP – A relatively complex and heavyweight XML-based delivery mechanism
- RESTful – A lightweight system capable of transporting any type of data, most commonly JSON and, more recently, GraphQL (the latter making the process more efficient).
- A fully secure, certificate-backed, request / response model between client and server, HTTP forms the backbone of many protocols including AS2, SOAP, and REST
- HTTP can be used to transfer any data types including binary (e.g. encoded images)
- While not a preferred choice for business document exchange, email is still highly used
- When in place, it is essential to have a mechanism to manage acknowledgement as sent email does not guarantee delivery
- Magma uses SMTP for outbound traffic and IMAP or POP3 for inbound traffic
- Magma supports all FTP types – FTP, FTPS, SFTP / SSH – with traditional user and password or key authentication in place and processes for managing file contention